Tag Archives: group

A doctors group calls its ‘excited delirium’ paper outdated and withdraws its approval

A leading doctors group on Thursday formally withdrew its approval of a 2009 paper on “excited delirium,” a document that critics say has been used to justify excessive force by police. The American College of Emergency Physicians in a statement called the paper outdated and said the term excited delirium should not …

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Putin says U.S. is inflaming Middle East by sending aircraft carrier group

MOSCOW, Oct 11 (Reuters) – Russian President Vladimir Putin accused the United States on Wednesday of inflaming the Middle East by sending an aircraft carrier group to the region, saying “compromise solutions” were needed and that he hoped common sense would prevail. The Kremlin chief has called the explosion of violence between …

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Think Tank Says Washington Using NGOs to Launch Probes Into Parents Group

When parents learned that federal agencies had coordinated with a national education group to target them as “domestic terrorists” for speaking out against gender and race ideologies at school board meetings, it galvanized a growing national parental rights movement. Parents were outraged to learn that the National School Boards Association urged the …

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