Tag Archives: candidates

Elon Musk is seeking for additional Neuralink chip candidates. Who may apply?

Neuralink is accepting applications for another patient to receive its brain chip implant After the first ever human brain chip implantation, billionaire Elon Musk’s company is now looking for a second candidate for its Neuralink chip, Gizmodo reported. Just five months ago, Noland Arbaugh became the first human to have the start-up …

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Ramaswamy, DeSantis Allies Spar Over Money As Candidates Seek That Small-Dollar Look

The release of the latest quarterly fundraising figures for 2024 presidential hopefuls has led to a now-familiar dynamic: people associated with businessman Vivek Ramaswamy battling those associated with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis, as both men fight to occupy the narrowing lane for a non-Trump candidate while sounding like the voice …

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‘Sleeping On the Job’: GOP Primary Candidates Blame Biden for Hamas Attacks on Israel

Republican presidential hopefuls sounded off on President Joe Biden over the weekend, casting blame on his administration for creating conditions that allowed the terrorist group Hamas to launch a devastating surprise attack on Israel that killed more than 700 people. “Joe Biden’s ineptitude, weakness, and incompetence has led to this …

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Just 7 Candidates Qualify for Second Republican Debate

A total of seven Republican candidates have qualified for the second 2024 GOP presidential debate, the Republican National Committee (RNC) announced on Sept. 25. Florida’s Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis, entrepreneur Vivek Ramaswamy, former South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, former Vice President Mike Pence, South Carolina Sen. Tim Scott, former New Jersey …

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