Will Smith gushes over ‘working with a brilliant actress’ in ‘I Am Legend’

Will Smith reflected on working with his I Am Legend’s canine costar named Abbey

Will Smith recently reflected on working with his I Am Legend’s canine costar named Abbey.

Speaking to host Sean Evans during an episode of Hot Ones on Thursday, June 6, the 55-year-old Bad Boys star praised the German Shepherd, who played Smith’s character’s only living companion in the 2007 horror film.

The 38-year-old star explained: “It was like Abbey spoke English. Like, she literally could understand you, it was the weirdest thing.”

Laughing before expressing his views, The Men in Black alum said Abbey “had to stay” since she “was the breadwinner of her family.”

The actor praised Abbey for being well-trained and doing her required stunts efficiently.

Recounting an instance from the set, he shared: “Abbey’s doing that. [A dog trainer] trained Abbey to go limp and I laid her [down]. How do you train a dog to go limp?”

“It was like working with a brilliant actress,” he enthused.

Almost two decades after I Am Legend debuted in theatres, it made a whopping $585 million at the worldwide box office.

For the unversed, the franchise announced a sequel with Michael B. Jordan in 2022.

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