Prince William’s signs of being ‘a spilt brat’ revealed

Prince William was reportedly a very troublesome child as he was ‘unruly’ and displayed behaviours of being “a spoiled brat” .

Writing about the Duke of Cambridge’s tantrums in his book Battle of Brothers, Robert Lacey revealed that the oldest son of King Charles often was “involved in playground fights”.

The writer wrote: “The young prince had picked up his nicknames of ‘Basher Wills’ or ‘Billy the Basher’ when he joined Mrs Jane Mynors’ Nursery School in Notting Hill, not far from Kensington Palace, in September 1985.

“Noisy, cheeky and defiant of discipline, Wills soon angered his classmates by pushing his way to the front of the dinner queue and getting involved in playground fights. The Prince’s mother, Princess Diana, once even called her son ‘a holy terror’.”

He went on to recall that the then-young Prince William was very much aware of his royal status as he would threaten other children by saying: “My Daddy can beat up your Daddy. My Daddy’s the Prince of Wales.”

It didn’t end there as Lacey detailed how Prince William threw food at a birthday party which concerned the then monarch Queen Elizabeth.

Lacey wrote: “In the autumn of 1987, she yanked the five-year-old home from a birthday party following a tantrum when he had not been allowed to blow out the candles on the cake and had expressed his displeasure by throwing sandwiches and ice cream around the room.”

Meanwhile, author Tina Brown wrote in The Palace Papers how the then-monarch Queen Elizabeth wanted to employ a strict upbringing to straighten her grandson out.

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“As a toddler, [William] had been a cause of concern to the Queen when he showed signs of being a brat. She complained to her husband that their grandson was ‘out of control’ and needed a stricter nanny. She was not amused that he loved to say, ‘When I am king, I’m going to make a new rule that.”


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